Hello Everyone! Long time no speak and all, how's everyone doing? I hope you're all well. A lot has changed for me over the past few months, I've sat my exams and guess what? I got into university! I am studying Early Childhood Education Studies at my first choice University. Although I was excited to come and emerge myself into the lifestyle of a university student, it hasn't come without its ups and downs. As I'm writing this I'm currently wishing I was at home (yes it's got that bad).
Living in halls, is quite possibly the biggest and most difficult thing I've ever had to do... EVER! I was never really one for wanting to live in halls, but my mum told me I had to give it a try before I can make a judgement on it. So that's what I've done. I moved in on Sunday 18th September (2016) at around 10am, the day had only just started but I had already been an emotional wreck the night before and all morning before I left the house. We did the usual playing tetris with the car to fit all the bags and boxes in, which we did! We took the 40 minute journey (roughly), where I picked up my keys and headed down to the accommodation to unload my stuff (at this point I was feeling physically sick, and shaking). Long story short, I unloaded and unpacked and my mum said she was leaving, this is where I became truly upset, I burst out crying uncontrollably (like a toddler does). I couldn't bring myself to accept that I wasn't going to be living at home anymore:(
Anyway, the days went on and since Sunday, I have been on the phone to my mum every night crying about how much I want to come home. Living in halls is just not for me, I want to study for a degree but I don't want to live here! It has nothing to do with my flat mates (so if you're reading 'hello' it has nothing to do with you, you're all so so so lovely), its to do with my personality and suffering with social anxiety. I'm trying to fit in but its hard when the first week is freshers which involves clubbing and partying which is another thing I HATE. I've made some lovely friends on my course and just around the uni and I am very thankful for that.
Needless to say, i'm not entirely sure what this blog post was or what it was for, but I needed time to fill and somewhere to express my feelings. I'm hoping that if you're reading this and are currently at university and are feeling just like me, then this may help in you knowing you're not alone! Or if you're reading this in 2020, then 'hey' from the past, you're not alone either!
If you are struggling with the decision to go to university or you're at university and aren't enjoying yourself, then please do feel free to message me via my instagram @hiyaimlouu as I'm happy to help in the best way I can. I'll keep you all up to date with how my life is going but for now i'm off to burn some toast like a typical university student, goodbyeeeeeee! xxx
*photos are not my own, full ownership goes to the rightful owner*