the versatile blogger award

by - 4/07/2015

I have been nominated for the 'versatile blogger award' by the ever so lovely girls from FitFatFashionistas and i would first like to say, thankyou girls it means so much when i get nominated for all these different blogger awards! 

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and leave a link to their blog.

2. Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly.

The Facts:

Here's 7 facts about myself:

1. I am nearly 17 years old which means i'm nearly ready to learn to drive.

2. I study Photography, English Language and Sociology as a levels at college.
3. I want to be a primary school teacher and maybe specialise in art.
4. I am a dancer and have been since i was 3 years old.
5. I love to travel to new places and really want to visit America and Australia.
6. I have an obsession with the TV shows dance moms and criminal minds.
7. I love Harry Styles a bit too much.


I nominate the following blogs and bloggers:

Myra -

Francesca -
Isabella -
Anna -
Gabriella -
Amy -
Charlie -
Stephanie Louise -
Sara -
Alice -
Emily -
Dalal -
Haley -
Eliza -

I hope you all take part as i'd love to know some facts about you, of course you don't have to but it would be lovely!


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  1. This was so great! I would also like to visit America some day!

    1. thankyou my love! i know right, it just seems so amazing over there!:)

      Louise xx

  2. Your more than welcome, we love your blog! Keep up the good work!!!
